On May 18, 2022, Gia Thuong Kindergarten successfully organized "Water Festival". Exciting, exciting and fun are the reviews from parents for this year's water festival. That is also a great source of spiritual motivation for the staffs to constantly be creative and give their children true childhood experiences. Being able to swim and explore the water games is something every child eagerly looks forward to.
"Water Festival" 2022 is considered as a special gift to the children and parents of Gia Thuong Kindergarten. Not only is it a fun playground with water for the children, but the festival is also an opportunity for the little ones to have more knowledge, physical exercises and practice skills. Every space of Gia Thuong MN is filled with the clear white color of water.
At the beginning of the program was the confidence of the children striding on stage with a fashion show of swimsuits and swimwear with the theme: "Baby loves the sea very much". After that, the very lively "Hawaiian Dance" performance by the children attracted the participation of a large number of parents who joined in the music. The children are not only innocent and lovely babies, but they are also very professional when posing in front of the cameras of photographers. After the fashion show is the part that parents and children look forward to the most. Every corner of the water festival is operated at full capacity. The children are extremely interested in creative games such as: ice rescue, treasure hunt, water carrying, swimming competition, and especially the thrilling game of super speed slide... Especially the pool. The school's outdoor swimming pool was packed with children participating in swimming and running competitions in the water. Closing the program with a one-of-a-kind "rain" shower, not only will the children live with the most genuine emotions, but the teachers and parents themselves have also found a ticket to the trip. The ship is called "THE BOY". Water seems to erase all hesitations and distances.
We invite you to see our lovely moments during the Water Festival:

Right from the early morning, the excitement and excitement of the parents and students spread throughout the school
Fashion show of child super models
You guys are very confident, aren't you?
Not only the girls, but the boys also proved to be very professional in their performance
The children of MGL A1, A2, A3 classes after the fashion show took a commemorative photo with teacher Kim Thanh
Không khí đã trở nên cực kì sôi động với phần biểu diễn "Vũ điệu Hawaii" của các bạn nhỏ
đến từ lớp MGL A4 và A5
The children were very excited about the performance that their friends performed
Our little friends are extremely cute and lovely, aren't they?
After 2 extremely exciting performances, the drawing contest "Baby with traffic safety and environment protection" was launched by the school.
There have been many attractive gifts given to the little ones
We are the little super team!
The program continues with children's water games organized by class area
The children of class MGN B4 are playing the game "Bringing water across the bridge"
The game "fishing" is indispensable in the festival
When joyful, eager to fill the space of water festival at Gia Thuong Kindergarten
The little ones can have fun and have fun with the water
The little ones can have fun and have fun with the water
"Water Festival" is the first program after a long break from the pandemic,
where you and your kids can have fun together
Hopefully, the "Water Festival" will bring many useful things, connect the children and the girls, and will be a beautiful memory in the children's journeys at the dear Gia Thuong Kindergarten.
Author: Gia Thuong MN School